EFFECT OF PHILOSOPHY IN EDUCATION and EFFECT OF EDUCATION ON PHILOSOPHY Education and philosophy has a close relationship because philosophy is a view of life that leads to the goal of education (Isriyah & Lasan, 2018) . According to Dewey, changes that occur in society must exist and inevitable because education is always changing. As for philosophy's interaction with education, at least two things can be said: 1) The education of philosophy involves learning the discipline or methods of formal philosophical reasoning, and often the history of philosophy as well. 2) The philosophy of education involves teachers or educators thinking through why they teach, how they teach, why they teach the way they do, and what aspects of their role as educator are prioritized above others. Many teachers have the intrinsic worth of the student as a person in mind when they decide how they will prioritize their duties. In short, philosophy is an essential component of education in any subject...
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Questions to ponder: 1. Why do we need to study the historical foundations of education? It is important to study the historical foundations of education because we as teachers should know the past by understanding and learning the process of the educational system through time. With these, we can learn different views about education that will help us in the teaching-learning process. 2. How did the Greeks and Romans contribute to the development of our present educational system? Greeks and Romans greatly contribute to the development in our educational system by the fact that they are the first one to introduce the concept of education. Famous Greek philosophers and theorists such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle also contribute to the ancient Greek education and even today their concepts and views of things are still in curriculum. Greeks are known for their skills in war that is why the education in this time was more on the str...
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The ‘Allegory Of The Cave’ is a theory put forward by Plato , concerning human perception. Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and that, in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning. (https://www.philosophyzer.com/the-allegory-of-the-cave-by-plato-summary-and-meaning/) In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", he emphasized that people tend to believe based on what they see and hear and because of that we sometimes interpret things differently. We are used to say this expression "to see is to believe" but it should not be taken seriously because not all that we can see is the truth. Sometimes we are just blinded and trapped to our beliefs of the things and keep our mind close to accept things opposite to what we believed in. In my case, I often judge things and situations solely based on what I see and hear from people ...