A long time ago, I am just a little girl who has no dreams in life. I just want to play and enjoy the rest of my day doing things I like. Time flies so fast, and then suddenly I realize what should I become in the future? What is my ambition in life? Oh! I want to be an accountant. Excitedly I tell my parents about this hoping they will support my decision and ambition in life. But my world crashed when my mom told me that "You should be a teacher like your uncles". Since I was young back then I decided to follow what my parents want me to be and trusted their decision because they know what is right for me. I thought it will be a lonely journey, but thankfully, my friends also pursue education. And then, we apply and took the entrance exam in the same university and we passed. 

I spend my four years studying Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Physical Sciences at Leyte Normal University. There, I learned so many things which I know will be of use if I will become a teacher. It took me seven months to be employed at current workplace since graduation. Now I am practicing my field at Leyte National High School- Senior High School as a Special Science Teacher I. There, my life as a teacher began. In my almost 2 years working there, I experience so many things that helps me in developing my self as an individual, as a teacher and as a colleague. Everything seems new to me and at the same time worried on how will I deliver my lesson well without disappointing my students. With the help of my friends and colleagues I am able to survive my first year in service. 

Being a teacher does not only end by the time you leave in the classroom. As a teacher we should be flexible in all situations especially when we are facing difficulties and challenges in work. We should also maintain harmonious relationship with other and always be mindful of our attitudes and actions. We need to be sensitive and aware of our surroundings so that we can avoid hurting others. 

As a teacher I experience so many things that are worth keeping...

Building relationships

My First Advisory Class

Attending Seminar and Workshop

Giving Support to my students

My First ever Christmas Party attended as a Teacher
